Soundboard Planning

Free Canva Soundboard Planning Template

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If we could redo anything on Ripley’s button journey, we would have better planned our soundboard.

A well-planned soundboard can significantly enhance the learning experience, allowing learners better opportunities for developing motor skills and remembering button positioning.

Tips for Planning Your Soundboard

  • Add visual cues: Dogs don’t see color as we do. Try to avoid putting similar colors next to each other. Instead, focus on creating contrast and visual cues.

  • Don’t overcrowd your tiles. Limiting tiles to 2-3 buttons can help dogs develop motor skills, aid in accessibility, and help learners to remember button positioning.

  • Keep likes words together. Grouping words (and even color of textile) by related concepts can help both humans and learners access words quickly.

Above all else, plan for growth. Making significant changes to the board can be stressful for learners, so the more you plan ahead, the more you can maximize your own living space while setting your learner up for success.

For more information on planning your soundboard see Fluent.Pet’s Learning Resource Center.